When we first moved up here to East Tennessee, I found myself among the countless Americans who are unemployed. It was an odd feeling, to be sure! I never pegged myself as one of those folks who judges their self-worth on what I “did,” but it sure felt weird to not be helpin’ to bring in the bacon, as it were. Thankfully though, my hubby had already started his new job and we were able to move in with my in-laws (I know what you’re thinking about that, but they’re great. Really) so things weren’t too tight. In any case, with no job and nothing pressing to tend to, a girl’s got to find something to keep her busy, right? (What? Did y’all think this was gonna be a somber post about the state of America’s economic affairs? Ha! No, ma’am, I don’t think so! I try never to talk about politics if I can help it.) Anyway, in my first several weeks here in TN, my mother-in-law showed me all her favorite thrifting nooks. At one of the area rescue missions I found a cute little school chair f