Cake Balls

Or should I say cake blobs? I saw these yummy looking treats over on Kelly's blog and I've been wanting to try my hand at making these delectable little sugar bombs ever since. Who better to use for my guinea pigs than my co-workers right? Hey, I thought it might be nice to take them an Easter treat! And if any of you out there are nurses, night-shift nurses in particular, you know that a sweet treat to get you through the wee hours of the night is always welcome.

The concept of cake balls is simple: bake a cake mix, crumble it in a bowl, mix in cream cheese icing, form into balls & refrigerate, dip in almond bark/chocolate/candy melts/etc. Sounds simple, huh? And it is. Kinda. Let me take you on a picture tour of my adventure in cake ball land...

Strawberry cake mix (I wanted spring-y cake balls)

The baked cake and the candy melts used for coating. I was originally going to put the balls on lollipop sticks in a cute little Easter basket. But, I got them home and realized I didn't have anything suitable to stick them in while they were drying! Oops! Oh, and I didn't use the yellow ones because my sweetie had already opened the pink bag and I didn't even need the whole packet.

The crumbled cake mixed with cream cheese icing. Mmm, smells so good!

The cake balls just before going into the refrigerator to set up. I left them in there overnight, but you could stick them in the freezer for a bit if you were in a hurry. Oh, and if I only had a brain I would've used my mini cookie scoop (tiny ice cream scoop) to make the balls instead of rolling them by hand! Would've saved me lots of time & I definitely won't forget about it if I ever make these again! I can't tell you how many times I started to lick the icing off my fingers only to remember that these were bound for consumption by nurses. We are, as a breed, highly germophobic (most of us anyway).

Rolling the cake ball in melted candy (tastes kind of like white chocolate). This was where the situation got sticky, pardon the pun. First, it was a challenge to keep the candy melted without it caramelizing in the microwave. Second, even though the cake balls were pretty firm from being in the fridge, they left tiny bits of cake in the candy coating. So, the first 2 or 3 cake balls had smooth coating but the rest of them looked like I'd added rice krispies to the coating 'cause there were so many crumbs in the candy. Arghh! If there is a next time for these little darlin's, I'll go ahead and put them on lollipop sticks. Then I'll just spoon the coating or chocolate on them while I turn the stick. Should make for a smoother coat.


See what I mean about the lumpy coating? Those of you who know my OCD side well (Sis) know that this little defect really bothers me. I hate to put so much effort into making something, only for it to turn out less than picture perfect. But, I just have to tell myself that this was a first-time effort and I've learned some tricks for the next time. And, they did taste pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I mean, how could they not with all that sugar in them?

Hope you're all having a wonderful day!


  1. Those look delicious! I saw that recipe too and have it printed out, but haven't tried it yet. I think they LOOK yummy! :)

  2. Mmmm...I've been thinking of that recipe too! Yummy! Those look good and I bet your RN friends were very happy!

  3. Ohmygoodness! A friend made these with red velvet cake and white chocolate at Christmas. They are so yummy!

    And don't worry about them being lumpy. Their little "imperfections" just make them that much more fun eating. Well...that is my story and I'll be stickin' to it! :)

  4. Yum. Those look great. Your right about the sugar. As long as it has sugar in it, you are good to go.

  5. Yummy! I noticed that recipe too and thought about trying them sometime. I'd be the same exact way about the little pieces of cake getting in the melted stuff. I can be OCD too! I always have luck using a toothpick, but I can imagine whatever you would be dipping would need to be very hard/solid.

  6. YUM!!! Feel free to cook for me anytime. I wish that I had the time for stuff like this. I would want to eat it all. I love the pink, plus they are my favorite strawberry.

    Also we have the same counter tops.


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