Quick Tip

Just wanted to share one of my favorite cleaning tricks. I found it on the weekly Taste of Home Menu$aver Newsletter that I receive through e-mail. Click on the link if you'd like to sign up to receive it yourself!

Do you throw away used dryer sheets? STOP!! Save them to use as quick dusters, especially good for mirrors and glass! They don't leave streaks and will get just about any spots off of your mirrors, including toothpaste splashes! I've started keeping mine in a grocery bag to pull out when needed, but an empty tissue box would be a great holder, too. Oh, and dust on the dresser? Gone!! I love these handy little sheets so much that I thought I'd share the secret with you. Let me know if you try them out and how you like it. And please share if you have other quick and easy cleaning tips. I'm sure we'd all love to hear them!

Happy cleaning, Ladies!


  1. That is a great idea!! I wish my husband would use them. We have to use the liquid in his eyes.

  2. You are so funny! Thank you for sharing! I love fast, easy cleaning ways. Landon does not allow much time to get that done lol, so the tips help greatly! You are great! TTYL!

  3. I love cleaning tips!! Thanks! :)

  4. How neat is that?! Thanks- I can't wait to try it. :)

  5. This doesn't work so well for your suggestion but here is what I do. I heard a while back that the dryer sheets are really way bigger than needed so I started cutting mine in half. When I first get a box (and I use what you do), I cut them in half and put them back in the box. I get a lot more uses out of the dryer sheets.

    Thanks for the tips. I love things like this.

  6. I have actually heard this before. I guess I need to start saving them, thanks to you. You can also use the liquid fabric softner mixed with water to get hair and hairspray off the base boards in your bathroom.

  7. Love that! Also got an email this week about using coffee filters for various odd things, one of which was cleaning mirrors as well!

  8. Ok, so I tried this---It totally works! Where does all that dust go? I kinda felt like the oils from it gave my tv stand a new 'glow'. Thanks for the tip!

  9. I had heard this before, but now have been motivated to action. I laughed as I put my tissue box full of dryer sheets in my laundry room cabinet. I thought...Ashlie would be so proud of me. :)


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